Unit Review: Predator Destructor

Ah, those old Forge World action photos!
Good day, battle brothers! I was listening to The Art Of War Down Under podcast last weekend. The host, Adam Camalleri and his guest were talking about Space Marine units, and they mentioned the Predator Destructor as a unit that was really good value for the cost. That prompted me to take a look at it. I know the Predator Destructor is not a unit unique to Dark Angels armies, but it is one I think is worth calling attention to, in case it's flying under your radar.

The basic profile is what you'd expect from a Space Marine gun tank. It's neither remarkably good or remarkably bad. The sex appeal is in the main gun profile and its special rule.

When I saw the profile on the Predator autocannon, my eyes popped a bit. 4 shots at Strength 9 AP -1 and 3 damage with a 48" inch range and Rapid Fire 2? That got my attention. Everything except the AP is pretty solid. Damage 3 in particular is a powerful break point. That makes the main gun a significant threat to a broad range of targets. 

In addition to that, the Destructor's Ability also bears paying attention to.

The additional pip of AP vs Infantry helps the Destructor fill an important role in an army list. The game has a pretty large amount of 3 wound infantry now - Terminators, Inceptors, Eradicators, Meganobz, Wraithguard, Tyranid Warriors, Lokhust Destroyers, and so on. A Strength 9 AP -2 3 Damage weapon with 4-6 shots is going to pick them up with a rapidity that will be uncomfortable for anyone fielding those units against you, without even taking the sponson weapons into account.

Speaking of the sponson weapons, I'm genuinely conflicted on whether to take them with lascannons or heavy bolters. Lascannons have the virtue of having the same 48" range as the autocannon, and it makes the tank a good dual-purpose vehicle, able to do work against both vehicles and infantry. Plus, putting the autocannon into vehicles would not be a terrible option, as failing saves vs the autocannon are going to peel wounds off the target vehicle in a hurry.

There are not a ton of 3-damage guns in the combined Dark Angels/Space Marines inventory, and certainly none others with the range and rate of fire of the Predator Autocannon, with the exception of the macro plasma incinerator, and for that we have to make a Hazardous roll and pay 210 points for the platorm. 130 points for Predator Autocannon's profile plus the sponson weapons, HK missile, and pintle storm bolter makes for a very attractive package. It's not a must have in every list, but it is worth considering in every list, which is a pretty good spot for a unit to be in. 


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