Everwinter: Winter Assault Firestorm Thoughts and Unit Evaluations
Attending a GT will really give one a chance to get some experience with a list, and I think after Winter Assault and the RTT I attended just before, I can say a few things about the Firestorm Assault Force and make some judgments about what parts of my list worked well and what parts didn't work as well as I'd hoped. For starters, I'd like to talk about the Firestorm a bit. I think it may be a detachment that requires a higher skill threshold to do well with than some of the other detachments available, such as the Ironstorm, or a Stormlance full of Thunderwolves. My first argument in support of my point is that the Firestorm is a detachment focused on short-ranged firefights, but it doesn't offer any mechanisms for shooting after falling back. That seems like a pretty significant failing for a detachment that wants you to have your units shoot from within 6" of their targets. That obliges you to blank a turn of a unit's offense in order to get them out of t...