
Showing posts from September, 2024

Why the Thunderwolf Stormlance works and the Ravenwing Knight Company of Hunters doesn't

  Hello battle brothers! As we all know, the Gladius is the most competitive detachment we can play at this point in 10th edition. There is some lament about this state of affairs, as I think we'd all like to be able to play our bespoke detachments without feeling like we're handicapping ourselves, but that just isn't the case.  What really seems egregious to me is that the Stormlance Task Force full of Space Wolf Thunderwolves is a competitive build, whereas the Company of Hunters with a similar investment in Ravenwing Knights doesn't come near to being as effective. I'd like to do a side-by-side comparison of the two detachments and the respective mounted units to see why one is a winner and one isn't even a blip in the meta. We'll start off taking a look at Thunderwolf Cavalry.They have a pretty beefy profile - T6, 4 wounds, 3+ save, OC 2. That's a lot of chonk to chew through, and it's not the end of their defensive profile Every member of a Thun

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 9/16/2024

 Hello battle brothers! With the beginning of another week, we have news of the lists that have done well over the weekend! We didn't have any event wins over the weekend, but there were some good showings. Let's take a look at what did well! Our first list came from the El Bunker, Bajio Open in Santiago, Mexico, a 6 round event with 75 players. Amador Perez of el bunker took a Dark Angels Gladius and went 5-1 to rise to 2nd place! You can see Amador's list on BCP. The short version is below. john Azrael Apothecary Biologis: Fire Discipline Judiciar Assault Intercessor Squad: 5 choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Deathwing Knights: 5 chonky awesome macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 chonky awesome macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 chonky awesome swordy boys Eradicator Squad: 6 chonky melta boys Infiltrator Squad: 5 sneaky boys

Addressing Nerf Concerns

Taken from   Since Dark Angels started doing well in the Pariah Nexus meta, I've been seeing a lot of people opine that our army is going to get nerfed. The argument is that, essentially, if Dark Angels are winning games and placing well at tournaments, then a nerf must be incoming.  Respectfully, I don't think the statistics bear that out. According to Meta Monday, the win rate for the Dark Angels Gladius in the Pariah Nexus meta stands at 52%. According to it's at a 54%, but they last updated on September 4, so they're missing a week of data. Neither of those figures are above Games Workshop's stated 45%-55% Goldilocks zone for army balance. Stat-Check has us at 5 event wins, which probably means we actually have 7 as it's not taking last weekend's wins into account. Not counting this weekend's results, Chaos Space Marines and Drukhari have 9 event wins, and Adeptus Sororitas have 15. 4-0 event start players using the DA G

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 9/9/2024

 Hello battle brothers! It was quite a week for the First Legion chapter! We had two event winners, including the biggest event of the weekend, and no less than 6 other lists placed well! This one is going to take a while, so make sure you're comfy, and let's get to the lists! Let's start with the biggest news - the Crucible 2024 Warhammer 40K GT in Orlando Florida, a 7-round, 115 person event, where no less a personage than the Art Of War's John Lennon took the Dark Angels Gladius all the way to the top!  You can see John's list on BCP. The short version is below. Knights of the round bases Azrael Apothecary Biologis: Fire Discipline Judiciar Assault Intercessor Squad: 5 choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knig

Unit Review: Deathwing Knights

  Hello battle brothers! Ever since the spring 2024 balance dataslate, Deathwing Knights have emerged as a linchpin unit in competitive Dark Angels lists. Every list that has placed highly over the past two months have included multiple squads of Deathwing Knights. They are also one of the newest models in our range, having gotten a facelift to be included in the Deathwing Assault box set. Let's take a look at these amazing models, and see what makes them tick on the table. At the beginning of the edition, Deathwing Knights had taken a nerf compared to their 9th edition profile. The Mace of Absolution went down from Strength 8 to Strength 6, and their AP was reduced to -1, which was in line with pretty much all other close combat weapons in the Space Marine armory. They remained Damage 3 though whereas thunder hammers went down to Damage 2, so they had a capacity we couldn't get from any other Infantry platform. I got some good use out of them in early 10th. With a Chaplain and

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 9/2/2024

  Hello battle brothers! Another week begins, and with it we have the lists our battle brothers have had the most success with over the weekend! We had one tournament win and 8 lists place highly, so this may take me a little while to get through. Plus this Monday was a holiday, so I was busy doing other things, so bear with me if this doesn't make it out till Wednesday, please and thank you. The biggest event of the weekend was NOVA Open in Washington DC, a 9-round event with 364 players. A pair of Dark Angels lists made the top 10%. I used going 4-1 in the first 5 rounds as my cutoff for which lists I'd discuss here, and these two made the cut.  The first list belongs to Frank Viruet of X-4, who took a Dark Angels Gladius to score 14th place. Frank didn't play all of his games. It looks like he decided to drop after his 7th. No shade. Seven games would stretch even my desire to play 40K if I didn't think I had a reasonable chance of scoring a near-top position. You ca