
Showing posts from July, 2024

5 Best Edition 10.5 Changes

Hello battle brothers! As we enter then 10.5 meta, we as Dark Angels players have a lot to be happy about! Today I'd like to list the 5 changes the recent releases of the Balance Dataslate, Munitorum Field Manual, and Core Rules I'm most excited about.  1: Lion Dad can walk through walls. One of the great tragedies of 10th edition has been that Lion El'Jonson has not seem much play. He started off seriously overcosted, then got nerfed when we got our codex supplement. GW did reduce his price in the previous Munitorum Field Manual, but he was (and is) still more points than any of the C'Tan while being objectively worse than them. We've had pretty good reason to leave him brooding on the shelf.  That said, he's still a beast in combat. You can pretty reliably put him into anything in the game and expect to be picking up the other model instead of him. One of the things holding him back from reaching his true potential has been that enemy units could exploit terra

Lists of the Week: Top Performers Roundup 7/1/2024

Hello battle brothers! It's the beginning of a new era in 40K 10th edition! Dark Angels made a pretty solid showing at events over the past weekend, with one event win and five 4-1 placings. The Ironstorm didn't go away, but the Gladius has also risen to the top scores, including the event win, so let's take a look at what has done well at the beginning of the new meta. The event winning list seems like the obvious place to start, and that was brought to us by a familiar name - Alex Vian of Midwest Murdersports. Alex brought a Gladius Task Force defeat all comers at the Built Forge Tough GT in Chaska MN. Here's the link to  Alex's list  on BCP. The short version is below. Back On my bullshit Azrael Asmodai Apothecary Biologus Intercessor Squad: 5 bolter boys Impulsor Assault Intercessors with Jump packs: 5 flying choppy boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky swordy boys E