
Lists of the Week: Top Performers 10/14/2024

  Hello battle brethren! It was kind of a slow week for 40K, with what would have been the biggest event of the weekend, the GW Open, cancelled due to Hurricane Milton. We still have a couple brethren that did well at the events they attended, so let's take a look at the lists they played. With the GW Open being rained out, the biggest event of the weekend was the Battle For Salvation GT in West Nyack, NY, a 6-round, 112-person event. A Dark Angels Gladius Task Force played by Shaun Reynolds went 5-1 and placed 5th overall, which is not too shabby! You can see Shaun's list on BCP. The short version is below. BFS Azrael Apothecary Biologis: Fire Discipline Judiciar Assault Intercessor Squad: 5 choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathw

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 10/4/2024

 Hello battle brethren! Meta Monday is being a little slow with the weekend's results, so I figured I'd better stop waiting for them and start looking for the high performing lists myself.  It was a slow weekend anyway, with only 2 Dark Angels lists placing well enough to be of note. Going through the GTs on BCP as they appear, the first Dark Angels list that rates a mention was played at the Alba GT 2024, played at (and I'm copy-pasting this from BCP): 10 Fő utca, Székesfehérvár, 8000, Magyarország in Hungary.  This was a 70 player, 5 round event. Daniel Orosz of Cult of Dice went 4-1 with his Gladius and scored 7th overall. You can see Daniel's list on BCP. The short version is below. Angels in Wolf's Skin Azrael Apothecary Biologis: Fire Discipline Judiciar Assault Intercessor Squad: 5 choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying ch

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 9/30/2024

Hello battle brothers! The last weekend of September had a lot of events, including the massive London Grand Tournament! As you can imagine, that means there are a lot of lists to go through, so let's get started! The biggest event of the weekend by far was The London Grand Tournament - 40K Main Event, a 5-10 round, 834 person event. Four Dark Angels lists made the top 10 percent, so let's talk about those first. The top scoring list was played by Louis Ballington of Mind Goblins, who bucked the trend, went 5-1, and placed 14th with a Stormlance Task Force! You can check out Louis' list on BCP. The short version is below. Acies Triplex Stormlance Azrael Judiciar Assault Intercessor Squad: 5 choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 5 flying choppy boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deathwing Knights: 5 awesome chonky macey boys Deat

Know The Foe: Adeptus Sororitas Bringers of Flame

Azrael knows how to play against that list  Hello battle brothers! I'd like to start off a series of articles to help us when we face off against common armies in the meta. It's always easier to play well into an opponent's army when we know what it does, and harder when we don't. Here I'd like to strive to fill the information gap, so we all can make the best informed choices we can when we play against other people's armies. I decided to start with the Adeptus Sororitas Bringers of Flame army as it's easily one of the most played armies in the competitive meta. According to,  the BoF detachment is 13% of the meta. That's over twice as many BoF lists as are playing Dark Angels lists. If you go to a tournament, you're likely to play against a BoF list. Full disclaimer: I'm not one of the Art of War guys. I'm a decidedly mid-table player at best. I'm writing this article and the ones that will follow as much to give me a rea

Lists of the Week: Top Performers 9/23/2024

 Hello, battle brothers! Another weekend has come and gone, and I am here with the news of how well the 1st legion chapter fared at the events. It was on the smaller side for weekend events, and apparently there were some major teams events over the weekend, so a lot of  top players were at those, but we had a Dark Angels list win the biggest singles event of the weekend, and 3 other lists place well. I'm going to start off discussing what is emerging as the gold standard for Dark Angels list. It's the list that John Lennon won the Crucible 2024 40K GT a couple weeks ago, and since then it's been pretty common to see players copying John's homework and taking that exact same list to events. John named his list Knights of the round bases, but I'm going to refer to it as the Lennon list (correct me if someone came up with it first). You can see the Lennon list on BCP. The short version is below. The Lennon List Azrael Apothecary Biologis: Fire Discipline Judiciar As

Why the Thunderwolf Stormlance works and the Ravenwing Knight Company of Hunters doesn't

  Hello battle brothers! As we all know, the Gladius is the most competitive detachment we can play at this point in 10th edition. There is some lament about this state of affairs, as I think we'd all like to be able to play our bespoke detachments without feeling like we're handicapping ourselves, but that just isn't the case.  What really seems egregious to me is that the Stormlance Task Force full of Space Wolf Thunderwolves is a competitive build, whereas the Company of Hunters with a similar investment in Ravenwing Knights doesn't come near to being as effective. I'd like to do a side-by-side comparison of the two detachments and the respective mounted units to see why one is a winner and one isn't even a blip in the meta. We'll start off taking a look at Thunderwolf Cavalry.They have a pretty beefy profile - T6, 4 wounds, 3+ save, OC 2. That's a lot of chonk to chew through, and it's not the end of their defensive profile Every member of a Thun